Monday 3 August 2009

Maker of the Month August 2009

Happy August!

Details about my work have just gone up on the Hi-Arts newsletter where i am one of the featured makers of the month!:

Its a very exciting time right now for me. For as well as developing my work into consumer friendly products i am also searching for a nice big house that me and my fiancé can rent! I know there is only the two of us but i have a lot of art materials, and i mean A LOT i will definately need one fairly big room! Where else will i put my A0 draftsmans table and the crates of tissue paper etc? Then there are all of my clothes :P Oh yeh and there is John and his piano, flute, piccolo, oboe, two computer monitors and a hell of a lot of books!

Oh and i knew there was one more thing, i need to organise our wedding which is in less than a
year now!!! Still very much intent on doing all the embroideryon my wedding dress myself!!

But yes, in between times i really need to sort out a website but this will have to do for now :) A lot of the photos here were for my degree show so purely based on the concept of a garment, i dont have any made up yet, currently i am drawing up ideas and prototypes to make the designs more wearable.

Friday 31 July 2009

Double braid waistcoat visualisation

Accordian collage with drawn detail

Here is my Degree show board displaying all of my hand stitched leatherwork trimmings. This was the final outcome from my 4th year where i took inspiration from a selection of historical musical instruments such as lutes, harpsichords and accordians. It was from these that i produced a wide range of collages concentrated on rich colour and geometric shapes. A great deal of my collages were very small scale and detailed so it made sense to use them to effectively create a range of continuous lengths of trims. The leather i used was this beautiful kid glove leather in all of these amazing strong colours! I also used a great deal of branding to achieve a different surface to the leather.

Wednesday 22 July 2009


Ok, so i have just created a blog - for a slight technophoeb like me that is a big achievement! Hopefully ill get some photos of my work up soon!